Service History
The steam tug
M.A. Gagnon was built in 1874 at Two Rivers, Wisconsin by the three Gagnon brothers, Jonas, Peter and J.S. The official registry number was 90728. The vessel was named in honor of their mother and operated out of Two rivers in the business of gill fishing and general towing. Much of the business was derived from towing vessels with a cargo of tan bark up the north branch of Two Rivers to the tan yard. After nine years, they sold the tug to the U.S. Corps of Engineers in 1884 and renamed her the
Dionr in 1885. The name was changed back to the
M.A. Gagnon in 1893 when she was returned to commerce in 1894.
Last Document of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwauke:, 6/18/1909; "Vessel Abandoned".
Final Voyage
The fishing tug
M.A. Gagnon was reported abandoned in 1909 -- location unknown.