Service History
The two masted wooden schooner
Elbe was built in 1853 (or possibly 1855) in Chicago, Illinois. The vessel was valued at $1,000 and rated C1 in 1875. One source claims the
Elbe was built in 1845 by Sanford & Moses in Cleveland, Ohio and the original owner was Peter J. Denker
August 31, 1886: Collided with the schooner
Frank Perew and capsized about ten miles from Milwaukee. The vessel was recovered at great expense.
November 17, 1870: Struck a rock near Centerville, Wisconsin and capsized. Towed to Manitowoc, Wisconsin to be repaired and relaunched in April, 1871.
August,1874: Schooner
Elbe lost foremast on Lake Michigan. Loss $300.
October, 1875: Enders Nelson, sailer on the schooner
Elbe drowned off Chicago.
June, 1883: Stranded at Whitefish Bay, later pulled free by the tug
Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered:Milwaukee: 2/20/1889: Abandonded.
Final Voyage
The old schooner
Elbe was abandoned at the Menominee slip boneyard near the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Elevator A at the Milwaukee River some time in 1883.
The remains of the abandoned vessel
Elbe may have been removed from the boneyard near the Chicago, Milwaukee and St. Paul Elevator A.