Ocean Eagle (1855)
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Service History

The two masted brigantine, Ocean Eagle was built in 1855 at Oswego, New York by T.R. Rogers. She was built on the hull of of the brig H. H. Sizer which had been built in 1845. The Sizer had sunk near Kenosha on June 19, 1846 killing seven people. After being recovered and repaired she had two additional accidents, one in 1851 and again in 1853 and then in 1855 the brig Ocean Eagle was built upon her hull. The Ocean Eagle was valued at $6,500 and rated B1 by the board of Lake Underwriters in 1860.

November 1855: Dismasted at the Straits of Mackinac.

October, 1857: Grounded on lake Erie, Horseshoe Reef, with a load of wheat.

October 1858: Repaired.

July 1860: Grounded on the St. Clair River.

Last Document of Enrollment Surrendered: Buffalo: 3/22/1861.
Final Voyage

10/23/1862: The two masted brig, Ocean Eagle attempted to enter Sheboygan Harbor at night, in a leaky condition. The captain mistook Kirkland's pier light for the light on the North Pier, and in attempting to make harbor, collided plumb on with the end of Kirkland's Pier, carrying away about 175 feet of it. As the North Harbor at this time did not carry a light, the error was traced to an old government Coast Pilot, which the Ocean Eagle's captain had been using, which erroneously placed the harbor light on the North Pier, rather than Kirkland's Pier. The crew was rescued but Ocean Eagle drove through the pier and grounded becoming a total wreck.
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