E.G. Wolcott
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Schooner E.G. Wolcott "built about 1845, size unknown, possibly small. The schooner E.G. Wolcott appears in Lake Erie and Lake Michigan port arrival and departure lists for 1846 and 47, but was never enrolled at a customs house. As such, we know very little about her, other than from notes in newspapers of the day. She was owned out of Sheboygan ...". Wisconsin's Underwater heritage, September 2010, Brendon Baillod.

1846, November 16: E.G. Wolcott sunk in collision with Lucy J. Blossom.
Final Voyage

"The schooner E.G. Wolcott of Sheboygan, was driven ashore at that port, in the gale of Monday night, and went to pieces." Milwaukee Sentnal. Cleveland Herald. Friday Decemer 3, 1847
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