Equator (1842)
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The wooden two masted schooner Equator was built in 1842 at Black River, Ohio.

Bill of sale Nov. 29, 1853. Devin Dorwin to John Bull. $1,800.

October 1, 1847: "The Equator, loaded with merchandise for ports on Lake Michigan, is reported ashore at the South Manitou. By relieving her of the lumber with which the deck is laden, it issupposed she can be floated." Cleveland Herald, October 20, 1847

March 17,1848:" Equator schooner, ashore on Manitou Island" Buffalo Courier March 17, 1848

October, 1853: "The schooner Equator while going into Racine, on Tuesday night, struck the end of the southy pier, and stove a hole in her side so large that she sank in a few minutes. She now lies deck under a short distance inside the harbor..." Milwaukee Sentinel 10/04/1853 p3. Apparently, this loss was not so serious and she was recovered.
Final Voyage

May 23, 1854: The schooner Equator was bound for Chicago, carrying a load of lumber, when she encountered a gale and was driven ashore seven miles south of Sheboygan, Wisconsin. The vessel sustained $1,500 damage and her gear and rigging were sold at auction.

It is not clear if this was the end for the Equator.
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