Service History
The wooden steam barge
Monitor was built in 1870 by Campbell, Ownen and Company in Detroit, Michigan. The official registry number was 90163. She was powered by a single high pressure non-condensing steam cylinder and a single tubular boiler. The
Monitor was built for the lumber and stone trade.
November 1871: Sunk at Put-in-Bay while laden with stone. Later raised.
1875: Recovered the engine of the propeller
June 1875: Rebuilt.
June 1876: Raised the steamer
City of Toledo at Port Stanley, Ontario.
1880: Ran the stone trade Cleveland to the Islands.
June 1881: Repaired Globe dry dock.
Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Chicago: 9/23/1890: "Vessel Lost".
Final Voyage
The steambarge
Monitor foundered 20 miles northeast of Racine in a heavy northeast gale. When the steamer left Pierpoint, MI, it was noticed that the vessel was leaking slightly at the stern pipe. Out in the lake the leak increased until the three pumps could not keep up. The steamer suddenly listed to port, water poured in thru the gangway and went down in 15 minutes. After a desperate struggle, the entire crew and passengers managed to reach the small sixteen foot long boat, and after surviving terrific seas were eventually picked up by the schooner
Melitta. An attempt was made to locate the wreck in the hopes it might still be afloat, but there is no record of success.