Service History
The steel, steam screw, bulk freighter,
Ira H. Owen was built in 1887 by the Globe Iron Works Company in Cleveland, Ohio. The
Owen, owned by the National Steamship Company of Chicago was often seen on Lake Superior carrying grain or coal. She was one of the earlier steel steamers and was built with two stacks.
November 1891: Steamer
Ira H. Owen ashore just above the Soo.
June 1892: The steamer
Ira H. Owen collided with the schooner
Belle Brown in a fog sixteen miles off Ludington.
July 1897: The steamer
Ira H. Owen collided with the steamer
Susquehanna in a fog off Preque Isle Point, Lake Huron. Both vessels were badly damaged.
December 1903: The
Ira H. Owen while enroute from Manitowoc to Buffalo with a load of grain started on fire in the boiler room. The ship was towed into Sturgeon Bay while still on fire by the
Ann Arbor No. 1, the
George Burnham and the
October 1904: The
Owen while loaded with coal collided with the
Henry W. Oliver in the St. Marys River.
Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwaukee: 12/23/1905:
Final Voyage
"On the morning of November 28, 1905 the
Ira H. Owen left Duluth downbound with a load of barley. The weather was worsening as she passed the Apostles, but Captain Hulligan decided against seeking shelter at this point. As she was steaming by outer Island the furious gale picked up and started pounding the
Owen mercilessly. Enormous seas swelled, temperatures dropped below zero, hurricane force winds whipped the driven snow -- and the
Ira H. Owen found herself in open water with no place of refuge in sight. Desperately the brave crew fought the wild seas as best they could. At the height of the terrible storm Captain Alva Keller of the steamer
Harold B. Nye spotted the
Owen. She appeared to be in dire straits and was constantly blowing distress signals, but the 380 foot
Nye was in so much trouble herself that she couldn't possibly lend assistance. The dense snow squall then descended upon the
Owen, completely blocking her from Keller's view. The
Nye continued to ride out the monstrous waves for two hours when slowly, the squall lifted and faint visibility was restored. Keller immediately grabbed his binoculars and pointed them in the direction where he last sighted the
Owen. Anxiously, tensely, he scanned the water, but saw nothing. The
Ira H. Owen had vanished." The "Unholy Apostles" by James M. Keller.
Two days later the captain of the steamer
Sir William Siemens, Captain M.K> Chamberlain reported encountering wreckage twelve miles east of Michigan Island. Among the wreckage were life-rings with the name
S.S. Ira H. Owen marked on them. The ship and its crew of nineteen were lost in the storm.