Speed (1848)
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Service History

"The schooner Speed...was built near Ashtabula by Larkwood in 1848 and measured 104 tons. She is owned by Mr. Walker, and is insured for $3700..." Last Document Surrendered Milwaukee 6/30/1883: "Total Loss"
Final Voyage

"Racine, April 18. Tonight about 10 o'clock the three masted schooner Speed, of this port, laden with lumber for Kelly, Weeks and Co., from Pentwater, Mich., went on the beach just above the north harbor pier. The tug Sill had the craft in tow, but the line was old and parted and before another could be run out she went ashore. The Speed carried about 110,000 feet of lumber, and is valued at $3000. ....The life-boat crew and the tug Sill made an effort to pull the vessel off, but without success. The crew are safe. There is no insurance on the vessel or cargo." "Racine, April 22.-The schooner Speed...went to pieces today, this morning her stern fell, and about 10 0'clock she broke in two amidship, and her main and mizzen masts broke off. Her bow and foremast are standing...the steampump belonging to the Milwaukee Tug Boat Company, which had been placed on the Speed's bow, fell overboard and was considerably broken up."
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