Eliza (1868)
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The small two masted schooner Eliza was built in 1868 at Spring Lake, Michigan.

July,1883: Capsized near the Milwaukee piers with a load of grain. Later recovered.

Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Chicago: 3/18/91: "Vessel Lost".
Final Voyage

There are conflicting reports on the Eliza. 1) The Eliza cleared Chicago on August 8,1890, bound for Milwaukee. On board were two crew members and Captain John Hansen along with a cargo of sand (possibly gravel). She never showed up. A wreck was reported October 1, 1890, 10 miles off Racine north point, and some vesselmen thought it might be the Eliza. Nothing further was reported, and the schooner was believed lost in Lake Michigan. Last document was surrendered at Chicago 3/18/1891--vessel lost. 2) Carus reports the Eliza as wrecked at Jacksonport 11/18/1891. A search of the obvious newspapers (Door County Advocate and Milwaukee Sentinel) for the month turned up no news of the schooner.

"Wreck of an Unknown Vessel.
Racine, Wis., Oct.1- Capt. Winter of the Goodrich steamer Chicago reports sighting a wreck about ten miles off Racine north point last night...The Captain reports a broken spar projecting from the wreck.
It is thought by vesselmen to be the wreck of the schooner Eliza, that left Chicago early in September and has not been since heard from. It is reported that it was loading gravel in the vicinity of the point about that time, and may have foundered. The storm of last week could have broken the wreck and caused it to float. The life-saving crew will probably investigate the matter tomorrow." Chicago Tribune 10/2/1890

"All hope for the safety of the schooner Eliza and her crew has been given up. The vessel has been missing several months and it is thought that the crew has perished." Buffalo Evening News, October 21, 1890.

"The missing schooner it is certain, with her crew is at the bottom of Lake Michigan." Port Huron Daily News, October25, 1890

The submerged wreck two miles off North Point, near Racine, Wisconsin my be the Eliza.
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