Windsor (1856)
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Service History

The Windsor, a side-wheeled ferry with one deck and no masts, owned by a few different owners early in her life, was employed carrying both freight and passengers. Then in April of 1866 she was involved in an appalling fire in Detroit where the Windsor, along with a train depot, passenger train, warehouses and many other buildings on the riverfront were all destroyed. The charred wreck of the Windsor was taken to a marine boneyard, but she was resurrected and rebuilt in 1871 as a barge and rebuilt again in 1876 when she was rigged as a two masted schooner barge. In 1892, she underwent a thorough rebuild and was classified at A2 1/2. In her later years she was used primarily in the lumber trade. Her original registration number was 26366, but was changed in the 1871 rebuild to 62523.
Final Voyage

"On September 30, 1893, the Windsor, with a crew of 6, loaded with cedar posts and telephone poles, and bound from Snow Island to Chicago, encountered heavy seas from the southeast when abreast of Ahnapee. The captain promptly turned the ship around and headed for North Bay. The Windsor sprung a leak and became helpless near Cana Island, striking bottom on the southeast end of the reef. One crew member and part of the deck load were swept off by the great seas. The USLSS was able to rescue the remaining five crew members by lifeboat. The Windsor went to pieces, her owners stripping and abandoning her in early October. At the time of the disaster, she was valued at $5,000 and insured for $3,000. The cargo was valued at $1,800.
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