Nellie and Annie (1872)
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The two masted scow-schooner Nellie and Annie was built in Chicago by Morse in 1872. The vessel was built as a lumber scow and seems to have spent her entire life in the Door County Area hauling lumber. Her official registry number was 18748.
Final Voyage

"The scow-schooner Nellie and Annie, which has been lying on the bottom near the Sawyer dock all the past summer, was carried high and dry up on the beach by the storm of last week." The Advocate November 29,1906.

"All The remainder of the hull of the scow-schooner Nellie and Annie has been cut to the water's edge and the material used for fuel by the owner, only the bottom of the ancient craft remaining, and that is under water. She was built in Chicago thirty-seven years ago." The Advocate March 4, 1909.

From the "Boneyard of the Great Lakes": "Scow - Nellie and Annie
; worn out, dismantled and abandoned." in the Sturgeon Bay boneyard.
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