Service History
The wooden two masted schooner
S.B. Paige was built in 1863 by Fowler in Oshkosh, Wisconsin. Her official registry number was 116335. For 30 years she had carried lime, brick and building materials.
S.B. Paige was built by a man named Fowler, a former state of Maine shipbuilder, for J.A. Day & Co. (now Cook & Brown Lime Co.) of Oshkosh, for service on Lake Winnebago, carrying limestone from the Clifton quarries to the lime kiln at Oshkosh, also brick and other material. While on Lake Winnebago the
Paige resembled a coast of Maine fishing schooner. She had two tall, tapering masts, a short bowsprit, (no jibboom), a very large jib, and two large fore and aft sails, a short main topmast, hemp standing rigging, and jib-banks made of wood. Her steering gear was a curiosity; the steering wheel set on the tiller, the wheelsman going from side to side as the tiller moved..." Door County Advocate 1908-03-26.
A duplicate of the
S.B. Page was built by the same shipbuilder. The name was
Ever Ready and later was changed to the
Ole Olson which was waterlogged in Lake Michigan in 1867.
Last Document of Enrollment: Surrendered: Milwaukee: 4/10/08: "Vessel Lost".
Final Voyage
"The schooner
Paige is ashore at the entrance to this bay, about 2 1/2 miles from the bridge. The
Paige left Fish Creek for this port loaded with 30 cords of shingle bolts. Reaching the mouth of the bay about 8 o'clock the same evening and the weather being hazy with a heavy wind and rainstorm prevailing from NW, Capt. Alfred Graham concluded to come to anchor. The hooks failed to hold and she was driven onto the east shore by the wind and waves, bringing up on the sandy middle ground. She soon began to leak badly and settled on the bottom in about six feet of water. Early Wednesday morning word was sent to the life-saving station at the canal, the call being responded to promptly by Captain Anderson and his crew. Their efforts to pump out the vessel and release her were to no avail, however, and they were obliged to contend themselves with taking the two men ashore and leaving the craft to her fate..." Door County Advocate 9/12/1907.
"The schooner
S.B. Paige, which last fall stranded on the middle ground, will leave her bones on that spot. The ice during the past month or so has completed what was already a bad wreck. The hull being full of water froze causing the decks to raise and side to bulge..." Door County Advocate 3/5/1908