Service History
The wooden two masted schooner
Mariner was built in Milwaukee by George Barber in 1853. Her official registry number was 16401. In 1861 the vessel was rated by the Board Of Lake Underwriters as B2 and valued at $3,800 and in 1874 she was still rated B2 and valued at $4,000. At the time of loss Captain Fred Kaehler said she was valued at $2,500. and was uninsurable.
April 1861: Ashore at Bois Blanc Island at the Straits of Mackinaw.
1871: The
Mariner received extensive repairs.
Last document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Chicago: 6/16/1880: "Total Loss".
Final Voyage
"Manitowoc, Nov. 11.--The schooner
Mariner, of Chicago, loaded with ties and posts consigned to Horn & Joseph, Chicago, went ashore at Sherman's Bay early this morning in a heavy sea that has prevailed since last evening. She is heavily loaded and pounding hard on the bottom. Her cargo will probably be saved, but the vessel will be a total wreck unless relieved soon. She is opening forward and her bowsprit is carried away." Milwaukee Sentinel 11/12/1879.
"Maintowoc, Nov. 12 -- The schooner
Mariner, of Chicago, which went ashore yesterday morning at Sherman Bay, is a total wreck. She broke in two last evening in a heavy sea and this morning she was abandoned, and is fast going to pieces. Her cargo is coming ashore and will mostly be saved." Milwaukee Sentinel 11/13/1879.
"Recent research has shown that this vessel was lost at a "Horn's Pier", but not the one within Clay Banks Township."
"Schoffield & Company bought the anchors and chains salvaged from the vessel. They paid three cents a pound for the "junk". Wild Tales and Tattered Sails, Paul J. Creviere Jr.