Farrand H. Williams (1882)
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Service History

The two masted wooden scow-schooner Farrand H. Williams was built by her owner Francis Porter Williams in 1882 in Manitowoc, Wisconsin. The vessel was named after his son and was never rated higher than B 2 with a value of $3,000. The Farrand H. Williams was made for the lumber trade and for salvage work, mainly lightering wrecked vessels.

May, 1884: The Farrand H. Williams stranded south of Manitowoc and a week later was released and repaired in Manitowoc.

January, 1885: The Farrand H. Williams was sold for $1,500 to C.C. Barnes in order to pay off seamen's wages by order of the U.S. Marshall. The debt was a result of salvage work done on the sunken vessel Christina Nilsson. The Williams had raised pig iron from the Nilsson but was not paid for the work and therefore couldn't pay the crew.

December, 1889: While loading lumber at Sister Bay, the Williams was forced to anchor behind Sister Island to wait out a storm. Over night the ice built up so high that the deck s were almost even with the water and nearly blown ashore. The crew abandoned the vessel, but returned days later and towed the Williams to Horseshoe Island to remove the ice.

October 1899: Captain Christian O. Pederson from Detroit Harbor, Wisconsin bought the Farrand H. Williams to serve in the Washington Island Fleet.

Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwaukee: 1/11/1901: "Total Loss".
Final Voyage

Captain Christian O. Pederson purchased the Farrand H. Williams in the fall of 1899. The Williams spent her last year in the lumber trade mainly in Green Bay. On September 16th, 1900 while lying at anchor in Horseshoe Bay, the schooner Farrand H. Williams, loaded with cordwood, stranded and went to pieces becoming a total loss.
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