Boss (1881)
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Note: The name on the first enrollment ls possibly Bass rather than Boss the handwriting makes it difficult to determine which. The newspapers refer to her as Boss.

Also, there is another tug called Boss built in the same year but built at Fort Howard rather than Saugatuck and smaller in size. See the other file marked Boss (1882).
Final Voyage

"A dispatch from Two Rivers to the Milwaukee Sentinel, dated January 16, 1885, gives the following account of the mysterious disappearance of the tug Boss, a craft well known at this port:
The fishing tug Boss, of this city (Two Rivers, Wisconsin), which was securely moored at her dock here, last night, is found to be missing this morning. There are various theories as to her whereabouts. By many it is thought she parted her lines and the wind being northwest has drifted out in the lake (Michigan), but her owners seem to think differently. They see no way in which she could have broken loose and thick she must have been cast adrift. Several crews of fishermen are at present out in their boats searching for her. But owing to the blinding snow storm which is prevailing now, they will be unable to do much. The tug is owned by Allie and Landonde, of this city and valued at $2,500." Door County Advocate, January 22, 1885.

In July of 1886 the Door County Advocate reported that there was a possibility that the Boss may have been stolen and taken to Snow Island. A search by the owners produced no results.

"Strangely enough, the Boss was found eventually. In May of 1887, two wreckers found a sunken craft while dragging the bottom of the lake four miles south of Two Rivers. The craft proved to be the Boss. The newspaper reported that the tug was lying in twenty feet of water and that plans would be made to raise it". Wisconsin's Underwater Heritage, March 2007, Wisconsin Underwater Archeology Association.
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