Magellan (1873)
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Service History

The three masted Canadian schooner Magellan was built in 1873 at St. Catherines, Ontario by Louis Shickluna. The vessel was a Canadian schooner with a registry number of 411. At the time of loss the Magellan was rated A2 and valued at $14,000. She was referred to as a "canaler"

October 1874: Collided with the propeller Jarecki in the Detroit River.

November 1877: Collided with the 12th street bridge .
Final Voyage

On the night of November 8, or the morning of November 9,1877, the schooner Magellan was lost off Two Rivers Wisconsin with her entire crew. Because of the shattered condition of the wreck, and the mutilation of the bodies that came ashore, it was at first believed that the Magellan had been run down by another vessel. This was never proven and it now appears likely that the schooner foundered during the storm, and later the propeller Joseph L. Hurd, which reported "running through a vessel's rigging" that night may have run through the Magellan's wreckage, or perhaps over the wreck itself. Around noon on 11/09/1877, the ship broke up further, with the hull, bottom up and the stern gone, ending up beached between two Rivers and Manitowoc. Another portion of the wreck, including "the stumps of the foremast and mainmast, a gaff, the forward rail together with the name boards containing her name and possibly her windless" remained off the pier at Two Rivers, held in place by her anchors.

"Wreckage of the Magellan remained a fixture on the shore between Two Rivers and Manitowoc for many decades. The Upturned bow projected from the lake just off shore from Forget Me Not Creek, where Aurora Health Care stands today." Local kids set fire to the visible portion of the wreck in the 1920s, burning it to the water's edge." An old wooden stock anchor with the name Magellan inscribed on it was dug up. From: The Loss of the Schooner Magellan: A 137 Year-Old Paul Creviere
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