Union (1867)
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Service History

Rated B1 in 1874, new deck in 1874 . Last Document Surrendered Milwaukee 11/5/1888: "Total Loss"
Final Voyage

"Nels Zinc and Nels Jepson, both of Washington Harbor, were sailing to Green bay with a load of cordwood when their schooner, the Union, capsized off Ephraim. The two men were rescued by fishermen. However, the Union drifted on to the south point of Eagle Harbor. The vessel might have been salvaged, but after pounding on the steep rocky shore for a short time, all that was saved was the rigging. "Fish Creek, Nov. 14.- The schooner Union, Capt. Nels Zinc, capsized near the Eagle Bluff lighthouse on Wednesday of last week, the crew narrowly escaping death by drowning. On the following day the capsized craft was towed into Eagle harbor, and we hear that she has been righted, but cannot vouch for the truth of the statement." "The schooner Union is a total loss, only a portion of the rigging and outfit having been saved. The cargo of wood with which she was loaded was also lost, the boldness of the shore where the craft was beached making it impossible to pick any of it up."
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