Kittie Laurie (1872)
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Service History

The wooden schooner Kittie Laurie was built in Green Bay in 1872 by Captain Robert Laurie. The gross register was a little over thirteen tons, her official number was 14317. Several years prior to her demise, the vessel was purchased by Captain Nicholi Anderson of Ephraim who owned her at the time she was beached.

The Last Document of Enrollment No. 148 Surrendered: Milwaukee: September 5, 1894: "Abandoned".
Final Voyage

August 9, 1889: "While bound from Ellison to this place (Ephraim) on the 9th, the schooner Kattie Laurie, Captain Nicholi Anderson, beached about two miles north of Ephraim. The Captain did not know that his vessel had struck the beach until he came up out of the cabin and found her lying high and dry. The captain resumed his slumbers and the mate came to this place for assistance. When the rescuing party arrive at the scene the captain was found to be sound asleep.. Preparations were made to get the vessel afloat but after working at her for sometime a heavy north wind set in and she began to break up fast. She was consequently abandoned and will prove a total loss." The Independent, Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin August 23, 1889.

The Door County Advocate stated that the Kittie Laurie was stall aground and was breaking up in January of 1891. There was no insurance on the vessel and it was a total loss.

The wreck of the Kittie Laurie is broken and scattered in 20 feet of water; visibility is 25 feet plus. There is some unidentified beached wreckage and other unidentified artifacts at the site. Historical identification of this wreck is uncertain.
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