Oleander (1848)
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Service History

The wooden two masted Oleander was built as a schooner in 1847 by William Lent at Ashtabula, Ohio. in 1850 she was rerigged as a brigantine. In 1863 she was valued at $2,000 and rated A2 by the Board of Lake Underwriters. The Oleander was used in the lumber trade.

1850: Rerigged as a brigantine.

August 1853: Masts and rigging damaged when struck by lightning near Chicago.

October 1853: Ashore near Milwaukee.

April 1854: Dismasted while on the Detroit River.

1861: Large Repairs.

Last Document of Enrollment: Surrendered: Chicago, 9/13/1864.
Final Voyage

"Wrecks-Among the disasters by the gale of last Thursday, was the brig Oleander owned at DePere and is in the lumber trade between here and Chicago. She was blown ashore near Two Rivers (Point) and is a total wreck." Milwaukee Sentinel November 19, 1864.
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