Service History
The wooden two masted schooner
Mystic was built in 1866 at Milan, Ohio by either William Rayner or H. Kelley. Her official registry number was 17210 and in 1874 she was rated A2 and valued at $9,000 by the Board of Lake Underwriters. By the time of her demise, October 1895, Inland Llyods valued her at $2,500 and rated her B1. Over the years the
Mystic was bought and sold at least eight times.
She was involved in a serious collision with the
Sheboyganon June 10th, 1883, but was rebuilt.
Wednesday, June 13, 1883 Milwaukee Sentinel: "The schooner
Mystic, which was run down and nearly sunk by the steamer
Sheboygan, has been placed in Millers Brother's drydock. She will be temporarily repaired so that her cargo can be unloaded before she is repaired. "
Friday, June 15, 1883 Milwaukee Sentinel: "An examination of the schooner
Mystic revels that the fact that she was not cut down below low-water mark, and is not near as badly injured as her master supposed. She will require a new port bow, some repairs to her deck and thorough recaulking, which will cost about $650."
In June of 1887 the
Mystic was involved in a collision with the propeller
Spokaneon Lake Superior and sunk. She was later repaired at Duluth. Her cargo at the time was dynamite.
Last Document of Enrollment Surrendered: Chicago: 5/3/1895: "Vessel Lost".
Final Voyage
Mystic, a deck stay-sail schooner, had been leased by her skipper Captain Schuenemann to get a load of Christmas trees for Chicago at Little Bay do Noc. But alas, she never cleared Death's Door ... the rocks of Pilot Island claimed her. It was a sad sight to witness as this attractive vessel with a green hull and white bulwarks was pounded to bits by the easterly gales. Within a few weeks, the craft's after end was so badly splinterd that her owners stripped her rigging and abandoned her. $2500 of insurance was collected from Lloyd's as a result of this disaster."
"Capt. H. Scbuenemann, who accompanied the steamer
M.M. on her trip down to the Door last week after the remainder of the outfit of the schooner
Mystic, ashore on Pilot Island, informs us that the vessel is a total wreck and no effort will be made to get her afloat. He reports the after end of the vessel badly broken up with the fro'ard end in pretty good condition, but lies exposed to stormy weather from an earlier quarter. The
MM only got about one fourth of the
Mystic's nautical paraphernalia, a portion of it having been put on board another vessel, both of which were at anchor under the lee of Plum Island, and about one-fourth of it was left on the wreck." Door County Advocate 11/9/1895.