Cleveland (1846)
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The bark (former propellor) Cleveland was an old vessel having been built in 1851 as a side wheel steamer working several years as a passenger steamer in Ward's lines between Milwaukee and Chicago. As a bark the Cleveland was employed in the lumber trade hauling lumber from Menominee, Michigan and from the Green Bay, Wisconsin lumber mills belonging to her owner Ludington, Wells and Van Schaick of Chicago.

Document Of Enrollment: Surrendered Chicago 6/19/1875: "Vessel Total Loss".
Final Voyage

June 11, 1975. The bark Cleveland went ashore on Plum Island, Death's Door (Door County), on Friday evening of last week, during the gale which prevailed at that time, while on her way from Chicago to Marinette. She was light. The tug Escanaba was promptly sent to her relief and endeavered to pull her off, but without success and efforts to save her were abandoned. The Escanaba and a scow left here Wednesday to strip her. Marinette and Pestigo Eagle June 19, 1875.

"The crew of the bark Cleveland arrived in the city yesterday by rail. The outfit was taken off and the vessel abandoned." Chicago Inter-Ocean 6/21/1875.
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