Dan Tindall (1858)
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September 23, 1871. "Intelligence was received at Chicago on Thursday evening that during a heavy gale of wind on Wednesday night the schooner Dan Tindall, lumber laden, went on the rocks at Northport, a little north of Bailey's Harbor. Her captain and crew have arrived at Chicago. She is worth about $12,000; was well insured, and will, it is feared, prove a total loss." Milwaukee Sentinel, September 23, 1871.
Indeed the Dan Tindall was a total loss. She was bound from Oconto, Wisconsin to Chicago with a load of 270,000 feet of wood. During a heavy gale on the night of September 18, 1871 the vessel lost her big anchor and chain and was pushed on the rocks at Northport, a little north of Bailey's Harbor in Door County, Wisconsin. The tug Kitty Smoke went to the assistance, but was unsuccessful, one pump would not remove enough water.
The schooner Dan Tindall was later pulled off the rocks and taken to Manitowoc, Wisconsin where the vessel sank at the mouth of the harbor. In September 1872 she was towed to a location just north of the Manitowoc Harbor and was stripped, beached, and abandoned.
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