Johnny Schmoker (1866)
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The Johnny Schmoker was a sidewheel steamer that burned twice, once in January 1866 at Rumsey's landing, Chippewa River and again in 1870. She was rebuilt at La Crosee in 1866. In 1873 she was wrecked and sunk in ice.

"This was the first boat engaged in trade on the Trempleau River. It came within three miles of Arcadia, Wis., but it was prevented from going any further after it had destroyed all the bridges in its path." Bella Danger by patrick Rash, page 13.
Final Voyage

In 1879 the Johnny Schmoker was abandoned and is believed to be buried under Spence's Park Landing in LaCrosse, Wisconsin.
© 2025 - Wisconsin Sea Grant, Wisconsin Historical Society