Sea Star (1855)
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Service History

The wooden two masted lumber scow-schooner Sea Star was built in 1855 at Irving, New York by C. Stevens. Her official registry number was 22356. In 1861 the vessel was rated C1 and valued at $1,800 by the Board of Lake Underwriters and in 1874 it was rated C1 and valued at $1,000.

June 1859: She was struck by lightning near Chicago.

December 1860: Went ashore on the east side of Lake Michigan.

1865: Remeasured at 95.48 tons.

May and again in June 1869: Damaged on Lake Michigan.

May 1874: Grounded on South Haven Bar.

May 1882: Ashore with a load of cedar posts near Sheboygan.

October 1885: Collision near Chicago.

Last Document of Enrollment: Surrendered: Milwaukee: March 7, 1889: "Wrecked"
Final Voyage

"The high sea in the lake yesterday (1886-11-05) dashed the schooner Sea Star against the pier at Clay Banks carrying away about 40 feet of the same, and throwing over-board about 15 cords of wood and 10,000 feet of lumber. The captain and crew are ashore unable to get on the schooner and the owner, Mr. C.L. Fellows and a workman are on the boat unable to get off. Later - the Sea Star got loose from the pier and went on the beach, soon commencing to go to pieces. The life saving crew was telegraphed for and left the canal about 10 o'clock. They managed to rescue the two men in the boat with the life car. The Sea Star has sunk and is going to pieces fast. The crew are now removing the rigging and will abandon her." The Independent 1886-11-06.

The rigging was salvaged, but the hull went to pieces near the pier. Her remains have yet to be located, they may be part of the debris field covering the bottomland off Bear Creek.
© 2025 - Wisconsin Sea Grant, Wisconsin Historical Society