Hans Crocker (1856)
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The three masted wooden bark Hans Crocker was build in 1856 by James M. Jones for W.W. Hibbard at Milwaukee, Wisconsin. In 1863 the vessel was valued at $12,000 and rated for insurance at A2, by 1874 the vessel was valued at $5,000 and rated C1. The official number was 11174.

November 1856: Grounded in Lake Michigan at Beaver Island Reef.

April 1869: Collided with a canal boat in Chicago Harbor.

November 1869: Grounded at the Straits of mackinaw: lightered off.

September 1871: Damaged during a gale on Lake Michigan.

Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Chicago: 12/30/1876: "Lost".
Final Voyage

11/29/1876: "The bark Hans Crocker, which left Little Sturgeon the fore part of last week for Chicago, sprung a leak while off Kenosha on Wednesday night last, and while endeavoring to make that harbor the vessel struck a sunken crib and went ashore just south of the harbor piers, where she went rapidly to pieces. The Crocker was loaded with a cargo of shingles, hardwood lumber, vessel-knees and c., which is owned by Mr. A.M. Spear, Little Sturgeon, and was considered a valuable one, the greater portion of which will prove a total loss." Door County Advocate 12/07/1876.

The Hans Crocker's remains were abandoned just off shore and had been purchased but apparently the hull was never removed.
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