Elizabeth (1863)
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"Ashore.-The schooner Elizabeth, of Oswego, loaded with lumber for Chicago, last Saturday evening came ashore just south of the entrance to the harbor, where she still lies badly damaged. It was in the height of the terrible rain storm about 11 o'clock in the evening, when quite a gale was blowing. When a little south of the harbor entrance, and but a little more than a cable's length from the outer end of the pier, she let go her anchor which parted and she drifted at once into shallow water stern on, unshipped her rudder, sprung a leak, and began to fill, and settle in the sand. We did not hear of any accidents to the crew." Kenosha Telegraph, 8/16/1866

"A total loss.-The schooner Elizabeth, which ran ashore at Kenosha a week ago Saturday night, proved a total loss. Her cargo of lumber has been removed, and she is being stripped of everything movable." Milwaukee Sentinel 8/21/1866

"The keel of Messrs. Ellsworth & Davidson's new scow is being laid at their yard. She will receive the outfit of the schooner Elizabeth, which was wrecked at Kenosha early in the season." Milwaukee Sentinel 11/17/1866

"It was determined that the "Elizabeth," which began to wreck just south of the harbor entrance (end of south pier) and then drifted toward shore until she settled in the sand, probably ended up in the area now under part of the old Chrysler Motors plant or the northern portion of Wolfenbuttel Park. While there is a possibility the wreck could be just outside of these areas and under water, the consensus was that it was more likely the Elizabeth is under filled lakeshore.", Report On Shipwrecks "Elizabeth" and "Hans Crocker" Off Kenosha Harbor, June 2, 1989, Carol Lohry Cartwright
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