C. Harrison (1854)
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From the Wisconsin Historical Society Maritime Preservation and Archaeology Files: "Her owner recently bought her 'on tick' from the present captain of the schooner Mary E. Cook for $50. Thus the aged craft was really worth even less than the wood which now lies strewn upon the beach with her shattered timbers." DCA 11/12/1998 P.1, C1.

1854, November 23 The C. Harrison was run into at Saint Clair Flats and towed to Detroit for repairs.
1858, April 6 She was driven ashore during a gale at Milwaukee.
1862 Repaired
1870-1871 Large Repairs
1874 Repaired
Document of Enrollment: Surrendered Milwaukee: 11/12/1898: "Total Loss"
Final Voyage

October 31, 1898. While loading a cargo of wood (approximately 36 cords) at Whitefish Bay pier, the old schooner C. Harrison tried to set sail into a gale and was swept back onto the beach where she quickly broke up.
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