Lavinia (1847)
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Service History

The wooden two masted schooner Lavinia was built by Sanford & Moses at Ohio City (Cleveland), Ohio in 1847. The vessel did not have an official registry number.

1858: Hauled corn between Buffalo and Toledo.

1852: Wrecked/stranded near Kenosha, Wisconsin.
Final Voyage

October 7, 1858: During a storm the schooner Lavinia was blown ashore north of Port Washington and wrecked. Total Loss, property loss $2,000.

Early on, it was thought the vessel would be salvageable, but later it was determined she was a total loss.

"The schooner Lavinia which went ashore in the gale, near Port Washington, is not much injured and can be easily got off." Milwaukee Sentinel October 1858.
:Schooner Lavinia, ashore at Port Washington, Lake Michigan, Total loss. Property loss $2,000." Buffalo Commercial Advertiser January 15, 1859.
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