South Side (1867)
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Service History

Last Document Surrendered Milwaukee 5/14/1894: "Total Loss"
Final Voyage

"The scow South Side is in Bailey Harbor in a waterlogged condition. The craft left Milwaukee nearly a month ago for Newport, where a cargo of Christmas trees and ties was taken on board. After getting loaded head winds and unfavorable weather caused Capt. Morbeck to seek shelter under the lea of Plum Island. On Thursday of last week a change of wind enabled him to get away from the island and head for Milwaukee. After being out all day and night the scow had to return, the wind having shifted to the south'ard again. Remaining at anchor until Sunday morning Capt. Morbeck made another attempt to get away, and it is possible that he would have reached his destination this time had the craft not sprung a leak which necessitated her running into Baileys Harbor, where the craft was still lying at last reports..." "The unfortunate scow South Side has been abandoned for the winter and still lies in Bailey's Harbor filled with water. All of the crew except the captain and mate have gone to their homes in Milwaukee." "The Hirthe MS reports the South Side had been abandoned 3 miles east of Bailey's Harbor and later picked up by the steambarge William Rudolph, which towed her into Bailey's Harbor, where she subsequently broke up and scattered her load."
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