Pride (1849)
Pride Icebound and Aground.
A Diver Explores the Wreck of the Pride
Pride's Ceiling Planking
More of Pride's Ceiling Planking
The Wreck of the Pride
The Wreck of the Pride
Pride's Ceiling Planking
Pride's Ceiling Planking
Pride's Ceiling Planking
Pride's Ceiling Planking
By The Numbers
Lives Lost
Depth (ft)
Service History

The wooden three masted schooner Pride was one of the oldest schooners in service on the lakes, having been built at Sandusky, Ohio by Daniel Dibble in 1849. She had a gross measurement of 83.04 tons, official registry number 19770 , was rated B2, and valued at $1,800 in 1874 by the Board of Lake Underwriters. The Pride carried general cargo, loads of lumber and slab wood and had few problems except for a sinking in the St. Joseph harbor in 1900 during a gale. She had been rebuilt in 1868 and in 1880.

Last Document of Enrollment:Surrendered: Milwaukee, 11/25/1901: "Vessel Lost."
Final Voyage

"The schooner Pride is a total wreck, now lying on the beach in Washington Harbor, near Matthew Foss' deck. In trying to beat out of the harbor at an early hour Friday morning, and being pretty close to shore, the vessel missed stays and before anything could be done to prevent it was riding on the rocks. There was some 900 bushels of potatoes and a few cords of wood on the craft, Capt Klingenberg intending to fill out the load with wood at Nor. Shellswick's dock on the east side of the harbor. About 100 bushels of the potatoes were saved from the wreck Saturday by the owners, Lawrence Klingenberry and P.C. Erickson, who shipped about 400 bushels each and Johson 100 bushels. The balance of the potatoes will be a total loss. This is a hard blow to all concerned. The Pride is one of the oldest schooners in point of service on the lakes, having been built at Sandusky, O., and came out in 1849. She had a gross measurement of 83 tons and was owned by Capt. Klingenberg of this port." Door County Advocate 11/30/1901.

The wreckage of the Pride lies broken and scattered in 40 feet of water at the north end of Washington Island. A line throwing or signal cannon was reportedly salvaged from this site by sport divers in the mid-1980's.
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