Octavia (1849)
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The wooden three masted schooner Octavia was built in 1849 by either Art & Frank Stockbridge at Kalamazoo, Michigan or by Captain Stockton at Sinapour, Michigan. Her official number was 18911 and she was valued at $2,000 and rated C2 in 1863 and in 1874 she was valued at $3,000 and rated C1 by the Board of Lake Underwriters.

In 1855 the Octavia was ashore at Grand River, Michigan. She was ashore on January 11, 1856 near Calumet and in 1858 she sunk at St. Joseph, Michigan and raised.

Last Document of Enrollment Surrendered: Chicago:9/30/1875: "Vessel Total Loss"
Final Voyage

On 5/9/1874, the schooner Octavia loaded with 100 cords of wood at the north pier of Kewaunee, and left the pier "shortly before dark", that evening. After leaving the pier, however, the wind died away and "she was carried by the groundswell northward toward the stony shoal about off the village limit." The master was unfamiliar with the area dropped anchor too late, and the Octavia went hard aground about 800 feet from shore. The schooner ended up with her stern toward shore and listed to the south.

On 5/19/1874, the Kewaunee Enterprise reported: "The schooner Octavia, mentioned last week as having gone ashore at this place, has been stripped and abandoned. Her hull is said to be twenty six years old."
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