Atalanta (1858)
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Service History

E.F.Brewster purchased a small steamboat in April of 1858. The craft was built in Wilmot, Wisconsin and was to ply the Fox River between Wilmot and Elgin, Illinois. The sixty-five foot vessel was fitted by Captain Brewster for excursions, named the Atalanta after a Greek goddess, and launced on Lake Geneva in June of 1858. The Atalanta could carry up to 150 passengers and was successful until the Wisconsin Central Railroad ceased running. When the Wisconsin Central Railroad ceased to operate, Lake Geneva became isolated and trade sharply declined. Therefore, the Atlanta was laid up and subsequently the engine and boilers were sold.
Final Voyage

After being laid up at the dock, the Atalanta's engines were removed and eventually her hull caught fire and burned to the water line. Parts of the ship were still visible on the bottom until 1874 near the foot of Broad Street.
© 2025 - Wisconsin Sea Grant, Wisconsin Historical Society