Service History
The three masted wooden schooner
James Garrett was built in 1868 by Amos Stokes (Stoakes?) and Benjamin Locklin in Sheboygan, Wisconsin. In 1874 the vessel was valued at $14,000 and rated A2. Her official registry number was 13875.
June 1870: Collided with the schooner
Cuyahoga on Lake Michigan, repaired in Milwaukee.
1871: Ashore on Beaver Island, Michigan.
Last Document Of Enrollment Surrendered: Milwaukee: 6/12/1889: "Abandoned".
Final Voyage
The three-masted schooner
James Garrett was blown ashore on the morning of 5/30/1889, in Whitefish Bay. According to the Door County Advocate of 6/15/1889, "...when the vessel approached the pier in Whitefish Bay (on 5/29/1880) Captain Smith let go the anchor and payed out the cable, this being done in order to heave the schooner away from the pier in case of bad weather. Owing to an error in Captain Smith's estimate of the distance, the anchor was dropped too soon, and the cable not being long enough to reach the pier a piece of hawser was made fast to it and carried on board. Had Captain Smith picked up the anchor and brought it in shore far enough to let the chain reach the vessel there would have been no trouble. When the northeaster set in, instead of pulling away from the pier, which could have easily been done, the captain and all hands turned in for the night. The storm increased in violence until nine o'clock the following morning, when the tow post gave way, and then an effort was made to haul the schooner out to her anchor, but the hawser previously mentioned parted, and she went on the beach.
"During the storm of three weeks ago a part of the wreck of the old schooner
James Garrett was loosened and carried along the south side of the pier at Whitefish Bay where it remained for some little time. The heavy northeaster of last week carried the wreckage out into the lake, and that is the last seen of it..." Door County Advocate 4/12/1890