Ida H. Bloom (1864)
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Service History

The wooden two masted scow-schooner Ida Bloom was built in 1864 in Detroit, Michigan by RA. Cowles. The official registry number was 12134 and was valued at $1,800 and rated C1 in 1874.

1864: Was declared a total loss in 1864 after capsizing on Lake Erie. Raised.

1865: Lengthened, 85' X 20' X 5', 90 tons.

1875: Repaired.

Last Document Of Enrollment Number 44 Surrendered: Milwaukee: 3/31/1880: "Total Loss".
Final Voyage

"The scow Ida H. Bloom, of Milwaukee, loaded with wood and ties, struck a rock near Claybanks this morning, staving a large hole in her bottom. She immediately filled and sunk in eight feet of water. A tug and pump have been telegraphed for at Milwaukee. ...Captain Murphy says the vessel lies about 1000 feet from shore, one mile below the pier at Claybanks, with a large rock through her bottom, the water roundabouts being nine feet deep. It is doubtful if she can outlive the northeaster which set in after the mishap and had last night increased to a moderate gale. In case she should the tug Hagerman with a steam pump will be sent to her assistance." Milwaukee Sentinel 11/18/1879.

"It is stated that Jas. Tufts has bought the wrecked schooner Bloom, ashore at Clay banks, and will try to get her off and bring her to this port to be repaired. He paid $175.00 for the craft." Door County Advocate 11/27/1879.
This apparently was a poor investment since the last document of enrollment was surrendered on March 31, 1880 as a total loss.

The wreck of the Ida Bloom was found in 1966 off the Legacy Preserve at Clay Banks near the mouth of Woodland Creek in about 12 feet of water. For a lengthy discussion of the items removed from the Ida Bloom over the years see: Ghost Port Settlements and Shipwrecks in Door County's Clay Banks Township: A Maritime Study by Dr. Richard Boyd, Russel Leitz, and Douglas Weimer.
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