Emmanuel (1890)
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Service History

The schooner, possibly a scow schooner, Emmanuel was built at Fish Creek (Door County), Wisconsin in 1890 and used in the local trade. The Emmanual was renowned for her lack of seaworthiness. In fact, she had once been described as "... a very poor sailor, and it was simply impossible to get anywhere unless the vessel had a fair wind, in other words, the vessel was built on lines equal to a dry goods box, and to ratch to windward was simply out of the question."

Last Document Of Enrollment No.8 Surrendered: December 8, 1899: Milwaukee: "Abandoned".
Final Voyage

This schooner Emmanuel was built and owned by K.S. Thompson in Fish Creek, Wisconsin and had plied the waters of Green Bay for about nine years. Since these years were not very profitable because of the vessel's unseaworthiness, the Emmanuel was run ashore in the winter of 1899 and dismantled for her sails, iron, and wood.

In Door County on the east side of Fish Creek Harbor, off Peninsula State Park is the remains of possibly the Emmanuel. The bilge and trunk are extant and some fastenings are present.
© 2025 - Wisconsin Sea Grant, Wisconsin Historical Society