Service History
The wooden two masted schooner
Eclipse was built in 1923 at Vermillion, Ohio and launched on June 26th.
Final Voyage
"We learn from the Green Bay Republican of the 5th inst., that the schr.
Eclipse, owned and sailed by Mr. Luthur Hagedon of that place, while on her way from Mackinac to Green Bay about 2 weeks since, with a heavy cargo of iron for the foundry, and merchandise for Messrs. Gilbert, Goodell, Butler and others, struck a reef near Louse Island and will be a total wreck. Part of the cargo was thrown overboard for the purpose of lightering her off, but all to no purpose. Most of the cargo will be saved. Of the merchants, Mr. Gilbert's loss will be the greatest, as his lot of sugar and salt dissolved in the water. Mr. Hagedon and companion - all that were on board at the time of the disaster - reached Green Bay nearly worn down with hunger, cold and fatigue; having travelled 80 miles on foot in a trackless wilder, through mud, ice and water, with no covering at night and little to eat." Daily Courier and Economist, December 23, 1843