Colorado (1861)
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The Colorado was a three masted wooden bark built in 1861 (possibly 1857) in Cleveland, Ohio.
Value, $20,500
Class, A1
Last Document : Buffalo: 5/06/1861
Final Voyage

On October 28, 1863, the schooner Colorado, bound up with a cargo of coal, ran ashore five miles north of Racine, Wisconsin on a reef off Wind Point. Attempts at pulling the schooner off the reef proved futile. Her cargo of coal was thrown overboard in an effort to lighten the craft, and crews were able to save the cordage and canvas. The ship slid off the reef and went to pieces.
The Colorado was abandoned to the underwriters, sold by Butters at auction for $5,000, but went to pieces early January 1864 before anything except rigging could be salvaged.
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