Levant (1854)
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Service History

The wooden two masted schooner Levant was built in Chicago by Doolittle & Miller at their dry dock. In 1861 the vessel was valued at $3,500 and rated B1 by the Board Of Lake Underwriters. Her official registry number was 14670.

October 1854: Aground on the east shore of Lake Michigan.

May 1858: Struck a bar while entering Chicago.

1859/1860: Large repairs.

1865: Major repairs.
Final Voyage

"The rain storm of Saturday ended in a hurricane Saturday night, which inflicted heavy damage on shipping. The schooner Levant on her way from Manistee to Chicago loaded with shingles sprung a leak and became waterlogged and capsized. All on board were lost except one. About day break Sunday morning the mate of the schooner D.P. Dobbins heard a cry of distress from the wreck. The Dobbins put about and sent a yawl to the wreck. Four of the crew were lashed to the wreck and dead. Three were on the wreck living but two were helpless. One sunk at the wreck and became lifeless. Two more were got into the yawl but one died before reaching the Dobbins. One only was saved." Kenosha Telegraph 10/19/1871.

"Captain Todd (of the schooner Dobbins) reported the lake covered with shingles and railway ties in the vicinity of Sheboygan." Chicago Trubune 10/18/1871.

The vessel valuation was $4,800 and was insured for $3,000.
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